Friday, January 21, 2011

So, this is the story.

Ten miles is... far.

Sometimes when I think about this whole thing that's all I can come up with. But, let me give something a little more detailed a shot:

We all work at the Conquer Cancer Foundation. That's how we became friends and that's how we started running together. (In fact, we all worked on the redesign of the website I just linked you to, so if you don't like it, be gentle!) We believe in our Foundation, on and off the clock, which is why we've chosen it as the beneficiary of our upcoming run at the Cherry Blossom 10-miler in DC. (April 3rd - We'd love fans! -Beth)

We believe that improving cancer care begins with the doctors, nurses, patient advocates, and other members of cancer care teams who treat it every day. We believe in the power of informed and impassioned patients and caregivers, and we believe in the catalyzing power of research. And we know - though, granted, our opinion is somewhat biased - that our organization is doing important and excellent work in those areas: quality of care, physician education, patient information, research.


While we may be fundraisers and grant administrators professionally, cancer is personal.

It has has been a part of each of our lives, as it likely has for each of yours. Mothers, fathers, grandparents, aunts and uncles, dear friends and colleagues. Cancer is personal, and for us this race and what we're trying to do with it is also very personal.

So we're running, and we're asking you, our family and friends, to make the metaphorical leap with us from training and running a race to raising funds to do our infinitesimal part to put cancer where it belongs: behind us (See? It's a metaphor! And sort of a play on words! Doing this running-for-a -cause thing really does require an exhausting amount of symbolic thinking. We're hoping that you won't hold that against us.)

And, as I was saying before, ten miles is... far. We have a long way to go. While Beth is a seasoned marathoner, Chelsea, Kristen, and I are shaky-legged newborns in the scarily athletic world of longish-distance running. Each (literal) milestone we reach will represent the farthest we have ever run before, which is both mind-numbingly intimidating and kind of exhilarating at the same time.

So. We're starting here and asking for your support. We're not picky about how you choose to give it - comment on the blog (after all, you're here already)! Ask us how far we ran today (and keep us honest about it)! Show up on April 3rd to see us sweatily stagger across the finish line (and you can see some pretty pink flowers at the same time)!

And, yeah, if you're moved, either by our well-intentioned exertions or by the sheer worthiness of the cause, donate. And wish us lots of luck, because, oh yes, we are going to need it!

Any one of us would be thrilled to answer any questions you have.